Tuesday, June 30, 2009

John L. Copper

Position in band: Bassist, Lead Vocalist

Birthday: April 7, 1975

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Family: Korey (wife), Alexandria (daughter - 10/23/02), Xavier (son - 2/27/05)Pat (older brother), Seth (younger brother)

Previous jobs before Skillet: Janitor at his church

Education: 3 years at University of Memphis

Sports / Activities in High School: Basketball, student gov't, marching band

Hobbies: Sewing, Shopping, Collecting Toys & Arcade Games

Favorite things to do on days off: Movies, Shopping

Guilty pleasure: Prince

Favorite food: Fajitas, lasagna
Favorite color: Purple

1. John is classically trained on piano, and was also in marching band in high school and college playing trombone.
2. Before starting Skillet, he spent 5 years playing in the band Seraph.
3. His relationship with his father was a rough one growing up though, which has been the basis for the Skillet songs "Open Wounds" and "The Older I Get".

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